
Welcome to the exciting world of roller coaster physics!


This Webnode is a place for you to learn about and experiment with the physics behind roller coasters.  The content of this Webnode is aimed at students in grades 10-12 and may be completed over multiple class periods.  Think about the feeling you had the last time you were on a roller coster.  Was it thrilling?  Do you know why roller coasters are thrilling?  Well...the reason is PHYSICS!  Follow the tabs in order on this site, starting with the Newton's Laws tab, to discover and learn more about the physics involved in roller coasters, including motion, energy, and force. Read through the material provided on the pages and work through the activities given to ensure that you know how these concepts apply to a real life roller coaster.  Once you have gained a full understanding of the physics behind roller coasters complete the task given on the Task page.  In order to design and build a successful roller coaster, you must learn the laws of motion, energy, and force.  These conventions of physics apply to everything; it is essential to know how to work with them in order to make your roller coaster ride exciting, extreme, and safe.  As you navigate your way through the website, be sure to make use of the Wikispaces discussion board, linked to under the Wiki Discussion Board tab.  This will allow you to communicate with other students regarding the concepts and activities you are exploring.  Watch the video below for a hint of what is to come.  Have fun on your quest as we guide you on your way to discover the laws of roller coaster physics!







Webnode created by Lauren Michels, Renee Ford and Lucy Waldron